DLsite is a "2D content download site'' that is popular in Japan.
You can enjoy adult BL manga, BL manga for all ages, BL anime, audio dramas (voice ASMR), etc.
Especially for adult BL manga fans, this is a one-of-a-kind site that supports 14 languages around the world.
There is content for men and women, and the content for women is called "DLsite garumani"
garumani is a coined word for "girl maniac"
First, please set your language to "English" to enjoy DLsite.

If you are using a smartphone, you can change the language from the "upper left menu".

You can also select languages other than English.

The supported languages are "English・日本語・简体中文・繁體中文・한국어・Español・Deutsch・Français・Bahasa Indonesia・Italiano・Português・Svenska・ภาษาไทย・Tiếng Việt"
There are over 2,000 adult BL manga in English.
Click on your favorite work to view its individual page.
Popularity, supported devices, and currency prices appropriate for that language.
How to explain DLsite garumani account

For smartphones, go to the top left menu.

Create an Account

You can also register with various SNS accounts.
However, SNS specifications are subject to change, so it is safer to register with an email address.

The same goes for smartphones.

Please check the email received at the registered email address.
Click "Member Registration: Input Info" within 24 hours.

- Decide on a login password
- Select birthday
- Click Register

Your account registration is now complete.
A login ID will be sent to your email address.
Your login ID will be your email address.

DLsite garumani login

If you are using a smartphone, you can log in from the "top left menu"

How to purchase DLsite garumani

It's a shopping system similar to Amazon, so it's not difficult.
Purchased works can be found in "My Items"

If using a smartphone, from the "upper left menu"

Click here for payment method details(DLsite)
How to find BL works in English
Click here to narrow down your search for works by language.

For smartphones, select "Narrow Search Criteria"

You can narrow down your search by language.