Title:The Handsome Salesman At Work Is An Ideal Master page:37 This is a story about an office worker who is loved and trained by his boss to become a dog. It's...
Title:Illicit Bromance page:47 Saruwatari and Maihama are roommates in the police academy dormitory. Living in the dormitory for a long time has built up sexual...
Title:Rubbing a Soccer Boy's Nipples Gets Him Into a Sloppy Situation page:? This is a BL manga about a soccer boy who can't help but get excited with a nipple ...
Title:Mesmeric Hero Corruption page:14 Now that the Demon King has been revived, a hero is sent out from the village. The day before the hero is to be celebrate...
Title:The Hitman's Failure page:30 This is a story about a novice hitman who fails in his mission and ends up falling for his target who has a big dick and is g...
Title:Perfect Sexual Assistant of Butler Who Detest the Master page:33 A story about a butler who works for his master, who he hates, from morning until night. ...
Title:Toma's Questionable Part-time Job page:19 This is a story about a college student who was supposed to be a tester for a new textile material, but ends up ...
Title:Toma's Questionable Part-time Job 2 page:26 Although it is a sequel, I think it can be read as a standalone since it has an erotic focus. It's a story abo...
Title:The Crossdressing Model Remains Unspoiled page:28 Yoshiharu wants to quit being a cross-dressing model, but the agency president won't let him. Yoshiharu ...
Title:The Nipple-esters page:51 An office worker encounters a molester who relentlessly attacks his nipples, and is reminded that his own nipples are too weak. ...
Title:Encounter a Tentacle, Get Fem-corrupted page:66 A resort destination I visited with my university circle friends. In a cave he finds away from the hustle ...
Title:Hotspring Sex With My Male Student page:31 "You're going to end this relationship with your teacher...right?" Ryunosuke, a student with black hair and bob...
Title:A story about crossing the line with a son who loves his dad page:36 The main character is a single father with a son in high school. Rui, the son, loves ...
Title:Tanomo-Sensei is a Boob Milk Gym Teacher page:38 Mr. Tanomo has a plump muscular body, huge male breasts, and perverted nipples. Moreover, I have a consti...
Title:Ran-nosuke, the Dirty Slutty Businessman's Business Trip page:34 Rannosuke Endo, 42, is a handsome office worker who is good at his job. However, his true...
Title:Concentrated Nipple Teasing page:55 An office worker whose nipples have been intensively developed by a sticky molester. In order to suppress the tingling...
Title:Now Accepting Full-Service Femcorruption Reservations page:66 Kou loves girls and enjoys spending time with various girls. One day, his father, who he doe...
Title:Nipple Deity 2 page:57 What awaited him, who had successfully assumed the position of Nipple Master, was full-scale nipple development. The story that beg...
Title:Cum Cum Quest -The Adventures of Jelio, the Maleboob Hero- page:2 episodes total 36 pages Episode 1「The Hero and the Whip-Using Monster」 The hero Jerio, w...
Title:Stephan's Milk-soaked Lactation Sex page:37 Stefan Frenzelt is a kind-hearted young man who makes a living as a lumberjack. Stefan, who has huge breasts a...
Title:Super Sensitive Nipples ~Delivery Health DK~ page:? The main character was trying to get rid of his pent-up sexual desire after working 10 consecutive day...
Title:Toma's Questionable Part-time Job 3 ~Sugar Daddy~ page:65 Tohma spends his days working part-time to pay for university tuition and living expenses. When ...
Title:Incontinent Male Idol & Nighttime Feather Sex page:33 The popular idol looks so cute that you can't believe she's in her 30s, and she never stops smiling ...
Title:Say You Love Me page:41+Cover This is a story about a newly dating couple, Syoma (a working adult) and Ryo (a college student), who have sex on the weeken...
Fujoshi -腐女子-
I'm a Japanese Yaoi fangirl.
Introducing Japanese BL manga that have been translated into English.