Title:The Handsome Salesman At Work Is An Ideal Master page:37 This is a story about an office worker who is loved and trained by his boss to become a dog. It's...
Title:Discipline Spanking page:44 This is a world where corporal punishment is allowed… "Punishment center" that punishes even minor traffic violations There, a...
Title:A Soldier's Ordeal page:28 This is a story about a boy who is an apprentice soldier who spends his life training in the Knights' Order and falls into plea...
Title:Complete Degradation 3 page:50 Sinan is Mete's teacher from high school, whom he used to date. They meet again by coincidence after years. Sinan is at sho...
Title:First-time SM Bondage Discipline ~endless prostate orgasm hell~ page:34 I've always been interested in SM play, and I spend my days researching various th...
Title:Twilight Moon ~Treat my Wounds Painfully~ page:40 It's been about a year since the audio work "Twilight Moon - Treating the Wounds Was Bad". It was made i...
Title:Complete Degradation page:36+α After borrowing a large amount of money and not being able to pay it back, Mete is offered an "alternative" payment method....
Title:The House of Obscenity page:41 They are fed every day, are in the mood of their masters, are loved, and have their bodies played with. The daily lives of ...
Title:Complete Degradation 2 page:43 After the events of the first story, Kerem and Mete become sex buddies, indulging themselves in hardcore bondage play almos...
Title:Impotent Ex-Host Playboy Imprisoned for 1 month by a Pervert page:94 Number One host Reo shot straight to the top of the ranks amongst the others hosts in...
Fujoshi -腐女子-
I'm a Japanese Yaoi fangirl.
Introducing Japanese BL manga that have been translated into English.